Sunday, January 31, 2010

I really miss you. I wish things were like how it used to be.

Friday, January 8, 2010

No more blogs for me!

I'm tired of this site. LMFAO I can't ever keep up with this. Anyways this would be my last blog. Finally got to my head that I didn't won't the WHOLE internet world to be able to see my life on this damn page. LOL Yeah I'm retarded.. So I'm stopping. & going back to the old ways, JOURNALING. pwuahaha.

Since this is my last post, I would like to say one more thing,

IF I was ever had to go on life support AND/OR was in a vegetative state. I would like to be kept alive PLEASE. Because if god wanted me to go to heaven, he would have not ever left me in this ugly stage of life. & For the people I love/care about and vice versa, let me live, and just have faith in me and god, and put all your trust into God. He will work his ways and answer your prayers. & heck you never know, I can get out of that vegetable. Just have to be strong. =)

- So this is just PROOF that I want to be kept alive if that ever happens to me, because i don't want any f*cking bickering going on about if I should be left on support or just die. SO here's the answer that'll solve everything IF it ever happens.

- anyways, at this point of my life, i came to a realization that I was never happy. time to get ready for GPC<3

Thursday, January 7, 2010

eh i have nothing to do.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

my head hurts. I wish I was a robot. lol